Bilott Visit to Italy Receives International Media Coverage
Taft partner Robert A. Bilott’s recent visit to the Veneto Region of Italy has received extensive international media coverage. On Oct. 1, Bilott spoke to nearly 1,000 community members from the Veneto Regio of Italy and later met with various governmental authorities. Bilott was interviewed by a national Italian news network regarding his work on drinking water contamination (view the interview here).
Related International Coverage
- “Rob Bilott, la testimonianza americana” Il Format
- “Pfas, priorita alle indagini sanitarie” Il Girornale di Vicenza
- “Pfas, Andrea Zanoni (PD): ‘i limiti fissati da Luca Zaia non sono i più drastici al mondo, si faccia ancora di più per la salute'” VicenzaPiu
- “Dall’ America l’esperto delle guerre anti-Pfas” Il Girornale di Vicenza
- “Zaia numbers denied by Greenpeace. Citizens’ health is not protected by propaganda” Consiglio Regionale Del Veneto
- “Fighting the Pfas, concrete steps and real-time information” L’Arena
- “Pfas, priority for health surveys” Libero 24×7
Bilott, who serves as co-lead counsel for the plaintiff’s altering committee handling litigation against DuPont, has been in the spotlight since The New York Times Magazine dubbed him “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare” in an article published on Jan. 6, 2016. On Feb. 13, 2017, DuPont publicly disclosed that it has reached a settlement in principle to resolve the C-8 personal injury, multi-district litigation now pending in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, for $670.7 million.
Bilott is a member of Taft’s Environmental, Litigation and Product Liability and Personal Injury groups. He represents a diverse range of clients on a wide variety of matters involving federal, state and local environmental laws and related litigation.
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