Bilott Quoted in The Intercept Article "DuPont May Dodge Toxic Lawsuits By Pulling a Disappearing Act"
Taft partner Robert A. Bilott was quoted in The Intercept article "DuPont May Dodge Toxic Lawsuits By Pulling a Disappearing Act." The article outlines the struggles chemical giant DuPont has faced since Bilott began the fight to hold them accountable for elevated levels of chemical pollutants in drinking water. (The first article featuring Bilott, "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare," was published on Jan. 6, 2016.)
Bilott is a member of the firm's Environmental, Litigation and Product Liability and Personal Injury groups, where he represents a diverse range of clients on a wide variety of matters involving federal, state and local environmental laws and related litigation.
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