Mary Webster
- E mwebster@taftlaw.com
- T (612) 977-8185
- F (612) 977-8650
Mary is a paralegal in the firm’s finance and public finance practices. She assists attorneys primarily in the areas of public and private facilities financing.
A former public finance investment banker, Mary’s experience allows her to assist a variety of clients and fiscal consultants and to work closely with attorneys on bond and note financings.
Mary is experienced in a range of public finance transactions utilizing both taxable and tax-exempt structures, including general obligation bonds and notes, water and electric utility revenue bonds, lease financings, industrial development revenue bonds, exempt facility bonds, housing bonds, tax increment, bond anticipation notes, tax and revenue anticipation notes, and current refundings.
Mary works closely with attorneys through all stages of financings, often with the attorneys engaged in multiple capacities as bond counsel, lender’s counsel, underwriter’s counsel, issuer’s counsel and borrower’s counsel. Her skills are used extensively in drafting documents, legal research, due diligence, document review, project management, assisting and coordinating closing and post-closing details, and working closely with fiscal consultants on financings.
Mary earned a B.A. in business administration in marketing management from the University of St. Thomas College of Business. She has worked in the public finance industry for over 17 years.
- University of St. Thomas College of Business