Topping the Lists
Kathy Kovitz Arnold was selected as one of the Top 50 Women Real Estate Lawyers, Tony Licata was named one of the Top Ten Land Use and Zoning Lawyers, and both Tony and Jack Guthman once again made the list of the Top 100 Real Estate Lawyers in Illinois in the Real Estate, Construction and Environmental Issue of Leading Lawyers Magazine. The firm also had a full-page presence in the body of the publication that included a full description of the real estate practice and photos of 10 Taft Chicago, formerly Shefsky & Froelich, Leading Lawyers. In addition to the three mentioned above, pictured were Jack Hagerty, Ed Halper, Rick Ingram, John Kennedy, Ed Kus, John Sciacotta, Judith Schwartz Sherwin and Jim Wilson. Also, Ed Kus was re-elected to a third two-year term on the Board of Directors of the Greater North Michigan Avenue Association.
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