Sherman & Howard Lawyers Author Chapter in NITA’s Remote Advocacy Primer for Trial Lawyers and Litigators

Sherman & Howard trial lawyers Kelly Robinson, Christian Hendrickson, and Allison Mikulecky, who completed one of the first remote trials in Colorado during the coronavirus pandemic, co-authored a chapter in the National Institute for Trial Advocacy’s newly published e-Book, Remote Advocacy: A Guide to Survive and Thrive. Titled “Beyond the Four Walls of the Courtroom: Virtual Trial 101, the chapter offers practical advice in preparing, planning, and conducting trials in the virtual world.

The Remote Advocacy book is intended to help trial lawyers adapt to the changes in their practices and the justice system made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Hendrickson, as lawyers strive to adapt to a post-COVID-19 new reality, “[t]his concise manual . . . provides a real head start and practical tool for the new world in which we lawyers will be presenting our cases.”

With topics ranging from video-conferencing etiquette, ethics, client interviewing and relationship-building to discovery, and preparing, planning, and conducting trials, Remote Advocacy offers the guidance and strategies needed to effectively handle cases during these unprecedented times.

As a follow-up, Hendrickson will be a featured speaker in NITA’s nationwide webinar on remote advocacy set for the first half of July.

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