Pets for the Elderly Enters California Partnership
Cleveland partner Missia Vaselaney serves as president of Pets for the Elderly, a public charity. On Feb. 14, Pets for the Elderly announced it had entered into a partnership with the Los Angeles Kings, the Pasadena Humane Society and the Belmont Senior Living Community.
Pets for the Elderly’s mission is to provide companionship to senior individuals through pet ownership, with the dual purpose of saving the lives of companion animals in shelters. Through the new California partnerships, six senior dogs were brought to the Belmont Senior Living Community with the hopes of finding permanent, loving homes. The Los Angeles Kings covered all adoption fees.
Vaselaney focuses her practice on estate planning for business owners and individuals. She has worked with clients to both plan and administer estates that have ranged from the very modest to the large and sophisticated. Vaselaney is an OSBA Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law and has been a speaker both nationally and state-wide on estate planning and other related matters on behalf of professional associations.
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