Lowe Nominated as a Chamber Bright Star 2010
Bruce J.L. Lowe, partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, has been nominated by the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce (NOACC) to be recognized as one of the Chamber’s Bright Stars 2010 award winners. Lowe and other honorees will be recognized at the dinner event at the Chamber Leadership Meeting and NOACC’s 15th Anniversary Celebration to be held at the Cleveland Zoo’s Primate, Cat and Aquatic Building on Thursday, October 28, 2010 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The purpose of the Chamber Bright Stars awards is to honor a member from each participating chamber, who has made a significant impact on the chamber through membership, retention, sponsorship, economic development, operations and/or education.
For more information about the NOACC, click here.
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