Heck to Serve on Cyber Security Panel for The Wright Dialogue with Industry
Zachary Heck, an attorney in the firm’s Privacy and Data Security practice, will serve on the panel, “Cyber Security – The Threat and Requirements,” as part of The Wright Dialogue with Industry conference. The conference, hosted by DaytonDefense, will be held July 16-18, in Dayton, Ohio. Heck will be joined by Don Greiman, The Greiman Group, and Scott Zimmerman, Concurrent Technologies Corporation. Additional information can be found here.
Heck assists clients in the areas of privacy compliance, defense litigation, class action defense and guidance in the aftermath of an information security event, including data breach. He has experience advising clients with respect to FTC investigations, federal privacy regulations such as HIPAA, FCRA, TCPA and GLBA, as well as state laws governing personally identifiable information. For his clients, he also provides regulatory analysis, risk management, policy development, training and audits. He speaks and writes regularly on cutting-edge data privacy and cybersecurity issues and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional in the field of United States laws and regulations.
DaytonDefense is a Dayton, Ohio based, not-for-profit, Industry Association established in 1995. It serves as a focal point for research, development, acquisition and supporting new, developing and fielded aeronautical, aerospace and information systems. DaytonDefense promotes regional economic development activity among local defense contractors and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
This is the 14th annual Wright Dialogue with Industry. The event offers three days of in-depth unclassified and classified comprehensive presentations, panels and one-on-one technical sessions related to the Air Force science and technology focus areas and aerospace research and development.
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