Five Taft Intellectual Property Attorneys Selected to 2022 WTR 1000
Taft Intellectual Property partners Philip Bautista, Kristine Boylan, Paul McGrady, Jonathan Polak, and Amy Wright have been recognized in the 2022 edition of World Trademark Review 1000: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals, an annual list of the world’s top trademark firms and practitioners published by World Trademark Review (WTR) magazine.
As a firm, Taft maintained a gold ranking in Indiana and a bronze ranking in Illinois. WTR highlighted Taft’s further growth and expanded footprint in the Midwest, fueled by the Briggs and Morgan merger in 2020. View the full rankings here.
Bautista is listed as a “recommended expert” in Ohio and ranked in the bronze band for individual practitioners. He has been noted as “a beacon for companies when it comes to TTAB proceedings.”
Boylan received a bronze ranking in the prosecution and strategy category in Minnesota. WTR notes that she “continues to impress through her unswerving defense of high-profile brands and has made the artificial intelligence space her own.”
McGrady has been ranked by WTR for many years and maintained his gold ranking in Illinois in both the enforcement and litigation category and prosecution and strategy category. He has also been awarded a national ranking for his domain name/ICANN practice. WTR describes McGrady as “one of the foremost experts of domain name and internet issues and a top-notch trademark lawyer with a superbly strategic and commercial mind.”
Polak is chair of Taft’s Intellectual Property practice and is ranked in the silver band in Indiana. He is described as “an aggressive and tactically astute litigator with an impeccable understanding of trademark law.”
Wright has maintained a gold ranking in Indiana and is commended by WTR as a highly rated litigator that “consistently hammers out the right results in court for entertainment heavyweights and tech giants.”
The WTR 1000 is the only stand-only publication that focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners and identifies the leading players in more than 80 key jurisdictions. WTR conducts exhaustive qualitative research for its rankings, using factors such as depth of experience and market presence, alongside peer and client feedback, to identify the top firms.
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