FBA Seminar Focuses on Combat Veterans and the Criminal Justice System
Taft Cleveland partner and FBA Northern District of Ohio Chapter board member Stephen H. Jett invites attorneys and HR executives to attend the June 19 program “Combat Veterans and the Criminal Justice System: Ways to Help Them & Ways to Improve Their Legal Representation.”
This program continues the tradition established several years ago by the Federal Bar Association of offering a program addressing the special legal problems facing returning combat veterans. The need is greater than ever, and the problems are more complex than ever. From traumatic brain injury to post-traumatic stress syndrome to sentencing complications in the courtroom, veterans and their lawyers are facing unprecedented hurdles in their efforts to solve legal problems, both civil and criminal. This program provides some insights into those problems and proposes ways to address them. With this program, the FBA continues the dialogue with veterans and their lawyers with the anticipation that this will become an annual event in the Northern District of Ohio.
Program Details
Friday, June 19
8:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Jury Assembly Room of the Carl B. Stokes United States Courthouse
801 West Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Oh 44114
*Continental Breakfast and lunch is included in the registration fee.
The program awards 6.5 hours of Ohio CLE credit. Click here to view the listing of seminar speakers and to register.
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