Diamant Named to 2015 SVAMC List of World’s Leading Technology Arbitrators and Mediators
Taft partner Michael H. Diamant is one of only 18 litigation attorneys across the country named to the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (“SVAMC”) 2015 list of the world’s leading arbitrators and mediators in the technology sector. He was one of only four attorneys named outside the Silicon Valley region.
In-house counsel are increasingly turning to ADR to control legal costs and add predictability to resolving disputes. The 2015 “go-to” list of exceptionally experienced and talented neutrals comprises those who understand technology and its role in the hugely important international technology business world.
Diamant has represented litigants and served as panel chair, panel member and sole arbitrator in numerous sophisticated technology and business arbitration proceedings, and he has served as a mediator for complex technology disputes. He is a member of the CPR’s Panel of Distinguished Neutrals and the CPR’s E-Discovery Panel, a member of the Large Complex Commercial Case, Technology & IP, and Domain Name Dispute Panels of the American Arbitration Association, and an arbitrator and mediator for the International Centre for Dispute Resolution. Diamant holds a B.S. in engineering from Case Institute of Technology of Case Western Reserve University, with a concentration in solid-state physics, semi-conductor technology, and applied mathematics. His J.D. is from Harvard Law School. Diamant is listed in Ohio Super Lawyers (Ten Year Honoree; Top 100; Top 50 – Cleveland) and Best Lawyers in America.
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