Best Lawyers Criminal Law Guide Features Mitchell and Aftim Article on Settlement Negotiations
Taft Cleveland attorneys John R. Mitchell and Mira Aftim’s article, “Don’t Cross the Line,” is published in Best Lawyers 2024 Criminal Law Legal Guide. In the article, Mitchell and Aftim discuss the recent U.S. v. Avenatti decision, and how settlement negotiations can go wrong.
To read the full article, click here.
Mitchell is a partner in Taft’s Compliance, Investigations, and White Collar Defense and Commercial Litigation practices. An experienced first-chair trial lawyer, he has defended companies and individuals in criminal, administrative, and civil trials in state and federal courts throughout the United States. Mitchell is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, whose membership is restricted to the top one percent of trial lawyers, as unanimously recognized by their peers.
Aftim is an associate in Taft’s Compliance, Investigations, and White Collar Defense practice group. She focuses her practice on internal corporate investigations and defending companies and individuals in criminal and administrative matters involving the DOJ, FBI, SEC, FINRA, FDA, IRS, HHS, OSHA, Ohio Attorney’s General Office, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other federal and state investigative agencies.
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