Taft Minneapolis Attorneys Contribute to Chambers and Partners 2023 Minnesota Family Law Guide
Taft Minneapolis attorneys Michael Boulette, Victoria Brenner, Seungwon Chung, and Laura Kvasnicka, exclusively contributed to the Minnesota section of latest edition of Chambers and Partners’ Family Law 2023 Global Practice Guide. In this guide covering 19 jurisdictions, Taft’s trends and developments article, “Recent Family Law Issues in Minnesota,” explores the latest developments in Minnesota’s domestic relations law including, income and property division in long-term divorces; lingering ambiguity in spousal maintenance awards; antenuptial agreement uncertainty; and dealing with a declining population.
The guide also provides legal information on Minnesota’s divorce jurisdiction requirements and processes; division of assets; spousal maintenance; prenuptial and postnuptial agreements; child custody and child support; ADR; and key areas of reform and debate.
To read the full guide, visit here.
Boulette is a highly skilled family law attorney, committed to helping his clients navigate complex and private legal matters. His deep knowledge of family law and courtroom experience make him a trusted advisor for clients facing divorce, child custody, parentage matters, and family law appeals. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Hennepin County Bar Association Excellence Award for pro bono service and the Minnesota State Bar Association Professional Excellence Award.
Brenner is a member of Taft’s Domestic Relations group. She has vast experience handling custody, parenting time, child support, orders for protection, alimony, divorce, and post-divorce matters for both medium and high net worth individuals. Brenner is an active member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (Minnesota Chapter), whose mission is to minimize the negative impact of divorce and separation on parties and their children. She is also an adjunct professor of family law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law.
Chung is an associate in Taft’s Domestic Relations Group. He was recently a part of a team of Minneapolis attorneys recognized as 2022 Attorneys of the Year by Minnesota Lawyer. Chung and the rest of the team were recognized for their work in obtaining a Minnesota Supreme Court victory protecting disadvantaged spouses by ensuring district court supervision over the division of all their assets.
Kvasnicka is a member of Taft’s Domestic Relations Group. She has assisted clients in a variety of practice areas throughout all stages of litigation, including discovery, motion practice, trial preparation, and dispute resolution. In addition to her busy practice, Kvasnicka is also an active member of the community. She was recently recognized by the Minnesota State Bar Association as a North Star Lawyer for her strong commitment to consistent pro bono services within the community.
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