Guevara and Siegal to Speak at Brownfields 2023 Conference
Taft partners David Guevara and Arthur Siegal will present at the 2023 National Brownfields Training Conference in Detroit on Aug. 8-11. The conference features a range of sessions, workshops, and networking events that cover topics such as financing, liability, and community engagement, with the goal of promoting the cleanup and revitalization of contaminated sites across the United States.
Guevara and Siegal will be panelists for the session “After the Purchase – Why Continuing Obligations are Critical to your BFPP Status” and Siegal will also present “Vapor Intrusion: Why the air that you may be breathing is so important and how to fund its protection.”
Guevara concentrates his practice on complex environmental, litigation, and insurance law matters. He is chair of the firm’s Brownfield and Site Development practice area. Guevara’s clients include corporations, municipalities, real estate development firms, and individuals each of whom are exposed to some form of, or seek to avoid, legal liability. His legal publications include two books: Environmental Liability and Insurance Recovery (ABA Publishing 2012), and The Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser Defense (ABA Publishing 2013 and 2022 (Second Edition)). He is also the author of “The Application and Regulation of Institutional Controls in Indiana” in Implementing Institutional Controls at Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites (ABA Publishing 2012).
Siegal has represented clients for over 35 years dealing with all aspects of environmental law including governmental regulations, permitting, and compliance, assisting clients in corporate and real estate acquisitions with assessing and managing liabilities, and helping clients obtain brownfield redevelopment incentives.
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