Sample Language for Essential Businesses and Operations Continuing to Operate in Illinois During Period of Governor Pritzker's Stay at Home Order
If your business is one of the “Essential Businesses or Operations” in Illinois that is continuing to operate during the period of Governor’s Pritzker’s Stay at Home order issued on March 20, 2020, we are recommending that you issue two types of communications to your workforce. First, a general memorandum or email informing your employees that you are staying open and, second, a letter on company letterhead that your employees can show to law enforcement authorities as they commute to and from work if they are questioned.
Samples of these communications are below. The communications should be revised as appropriate depending on your particular business and the employees receiving the communication (e.g., if the communication is only being sent to a particular facility or offices located in Illinois instead of companywide).
Letter for employees to use commuting:
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to confirm that [Employee Name] is an employee of [Company Name]. [Company Name] is an “Essential Business or Operation” within the meaning of Governor Pritzker’s COVID-19 Executive Order 2020-10 issued on March 20, 2020 (Executive Order). As such, [Company Name] is continuing to operate until further notice, and this employee is permitted under the terms of the Executive Order to travel to and from work. If you have questions, please contact the undersigned.
Sample communication to workforce:
To All Employees:
On March 20th, Governor Pritzker issued an “Immediate Stay at Home” order for all of Illinois effective March 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. through April 7, 2020. This is to inform you that [Company Name] will continue to stay open because it falls within the definition of an “Essential Business or Operation” as described in Governor Pritzker’s order.
For those positions that must be done from the workplace, you should continue to report to work for your usual shift or work schedule, unless you are affected by the virus. If you are already working from home, please continue those work arrangements. If you are not working from home currently but you believe you should be, please speak with your manager.
This is a critical juncture for [Company Name]’s business, and we have heard from many of you that you are concerned about being out of work. Our intent is to continue operating, in keeping with our understanding of applicable law and the guidance provided by public health authorities, for as long as we are permitted to do so.
Your safety is important to us. As we continue to take preventative measures, please remember to continue to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, wipe down work surfaces and maintain social distancing if possible. Also, notify us if you are unable to work because you are sick or for other reasons related to the coronavirus (e.g. quarantine, isolation, care for a sick family member, childcare issues relating to school closings, etc.).
If you have questions about this communication, please speak with a member of management or Human Resources.
Please visit our COVID-19 Toolkit for all of Taft’s updates on the coronavirus.
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