3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Type: Seminar
  • Presented by: Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
  • Location: The Mandalay Banquet Center, 2700 E. River Road, Dayton, OH 45439

Workers' Compensation/Safety Legal Update

With tighter profit margins, increased claim activity and an uncertain economic future, what steps should your organization take to minimize workers’ compensation costs, avoid workplace injuries and limit other legal entanglements? 

At this complimentary seminar, we will discuss:

  • Top Five OSHA Developments Affecting Employers 

OSHA’s enforcement activities are expanding and the best practices for responding to an inspection have changed. We will discuss new approaches for handling inspections and informal conferences.  We will also discuss the most commonly cited OSHA standards, the Severe Violation Enforcement Plan and certain administrative enhancements to OSHA’s penalty policies.  

  • Salary Continuation Plans

Employers should take advantage of all techniques to reduce workers’ compensation costs. Continuing an employee’s wages during a period of disability caused by a work injury remains an important cost – avoidance strategy. We will discuss how the BWC rules governing salary continuation provide both opportunities and pitfalls for the unwary.

  • Return to Work Programs

Returning an injured employee to the workforce quickly is a tool that can help employers to reduce claim costs.  Learn how to structure a transitional duty program, to extend a proper offer of light duty work and comply with new rulings from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

  • Health Care Reform and Wellness Initiatives

Learn how employers can keep their businesses and employees healthy under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).  Discover whether recent federal regulations will impact how your company conducts independent medical evaluations and operates its corporate wellness program.

  • The Future of Group Rating 

A representative from the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce will provide a brief update on several positive developments concerning group ratings in Ohio.

  • A “New” Approach to the ADA

While most human resources professionals are aware that the Americans with Disabilities Act was recently amended, you may not be aware of some of the best practices that have emerged under the new rules and how those practices impact workers’ compensation claims.  We will discuss the recent changes and what you and your company can do to limit the impact of the changes on productivity, liability and workers’ compensation costs.  

We look forward to addressing these important topics, as a service to our clients and friends.  Please join us if at all possible. 

Please RSVP via e-mail to Pam Fisher: fisher@taftlaw.com

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