3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
  • Type: Seminar
  • Presented by: Taft Dayton
  • Speakers: Jennifer Hann Harrison, Jeffrey Mullins, Shawna Sorrell, Jennifer Brumby, and Doug Anspach
  • Location:

Taft Dayton Employment Seminar | The Future of Work

In the past two years, the workplace has changed dramatically. How can you address new standards and challenges as we enter the future of work? Join Taft Dayton attorneys as we cover topics that will help employers manage new work environments, including informative presentations followed by an engaging panel discussion with the speakers.

Pending 1.5 hours of SHRM professional development and CLE credits available for Ohio and Kentucky.

Topics to Include:

Buying and Selling Business in a Post-Pandemic World

– Jeffrey Mullins

Learn what both HR professionals and business owners need to consider if you or your company are interested in buying or selling a business now or in the near future.

Potential Employment Pitfalls in the Remote Work Environment

– Jennifer Brumby

Remote work, in some manner, is likely to be a way of life for many employers going forward. We will discuss how employers must approach that new reality in relation to wage and hour laws, workers’ compensation, sexual harassment, and state and local disability laws.

Investigating Complaints of Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation

– Jennifer Hann Harrison

The changing workforce and changing workplaces demand a modern approach to preventing and investigating harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. In this segment, we will discuss how to conduct an effective investigation and position your company for a favorable outcome.

The High-Profile Cases That You Need to Know

– Shawna Sorrell

Big decisions are expected from the United States Supreme Court and the National Labor Relations Board in 2022. We will discuss five of the most prominent and impactful cases and what employers can do to prepare.

The Future of Work Panel

– Moderated by Doug Anspach

Hear from your Taft Dayton attorneys as they answer questions on the latest in the employment and labor relations landscape.

Questions? Contact jburke@taftlaw.com

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