Sustainable Success in the New Regulatory Climate
Taft’s Environmental Law Department invites you to attend
Sustainable Success in the New Regulatory Climate
May 27, 2010
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Indiana Manufacturers Association
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
9:00 Registration
9:30 Welcome – Vicky Keramida (KERAMIDA) & Frank Deveau (TAFT)
9:40 PM2.5, GHG, CAA Section 112 j & g – Paul Dubenetsky (KERAMIDA)
PM 2.5 and Greenhouse Gases are now going to be directly regulated by state and federal air permit rules. Vacated NESHAP sources are now subject to case-by-case control requirements. What does this mean to your plant?
10:20 Sustainability – Anna Jetmore-Vargas, M.E.M./ Jonathan Bryant (TAFT)
Businesses that successfully incorporate Sustainability into their core business model not only minimize environmental impacts, but also build market advantage and realize significant cost savings. How can your business realize these results? Receive updates on best practices and funding streams in this rapidly-evolving practice area.
11:00 Panel – Eli Lilly (Greg Spratt), OFS Brands (Ray Brooks) and Electro-Spec (Mary Gordon)
12:00 Lunch
12:20 Lunch speaker – Tom Easterday Subaru
Going Green & Saving Green, Environmental & Sustainability Practices result
in zero landfill and 99+% recycling rate.
1:00 Regulators EPA (Nathan Frank -air) and IDEM (Bruno Pigott – water)
Discussion will include EPA's Clean Air Act Civil Enforcement program including
national issues, and issues specific to Region 5. The session will focus on the EPA’s
targeting philosophy, national and regional priorities, and a rundown of some of the
successes of Region 5's air enforcement program.
2:00 Water Enforcement – What’s New and What’s on the Horizon? – Bill Wagner (TAFT)
What do these programs mean to me and how should I prepare? – EPA's Clean Water Act Enforcement Action Plan and National Enforcement Initiatives, IDEM's antidegradation and stormwater rules; and the Clean Water Restoration Act.
2:40 CAA enforcement initiatives and responses – (TAFT)
Information Collection Requests, including what they mean, what’s confidential
and how to respond; The basics of New Source Review/Prevention of Significant
Deterioration, the history of the initiative, the government theories and how to
respond; Title V permits and “backdoor” challenges; Other initiatives
(NESHAPs, etc.)
3:30 Adjourn
Pending CLE credit
Cost: Cost for the workshop is $49 for IMA members and clients of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP or KERAMIDA and $99 for non-members/non-clients.
Location: Taft Offices are located at One Indiana Square, Suite 3500, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
To Register: Register by phone or email by contacting Angie Glass of the IMA at 800-462-7762, ext. 237 or at
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