- Presented by: ABC, Taft Law
- Speakers: Jeff Mullins, Fred Ungerman and Lowell Woods
- Location: Mandalay Banquet Center, 2700 E. River Road, Dayton, OH 45439
Proactive Approaches Construction Companies Can Take Now to Address Economic Concerns to Sustain Future Growth and Profits
As the economy continues to struggle, most construction companies are being forced to do more with less. Healthcare reform and other regulatory changes have created an unprecedented climate of economic uncertainty for our industry and the customers we serve. Against that backdrop, efficiency and productivity are more important now than ever. Unfortunately, as companies downsize and profit margins tighten, the ability to manage projects becomes more difficult and the likelihood of business conflict increases.
- Ohio Prevailing Wage, Davis Bacon and the FLSA
What are the most common mistakes made by construction employers? What tactics are unions employing to keep merit shop employers out of public sector work? We will discuss how to develop policies and practices that will keep you on the job and out of court.
- Affordable Care Act
What proactive strategies should small, medium and large construction employers be implementing to control health insurance costs and avoid penalties under the ACA? Which provisions have been delayed and which provisions have not? We will offer specific steps that employers of all size should take over the next year to prepare for the impact of the ACA.
- Insurance Policies (D&O, General Liability, Employment Practice Liability), PEO Agreements, Temporary Agency Agreements
Employers are looking to insure against various types of risk and minimize staffing by utilizing outside resources for certain tasks that were historically performed in-house. As construction companies utilize these strategies, the providers of the products and services almost always require the company to sign an agreement. Not all agreements are created equal. What provisions should you look for to make sure you are buying what you intended? Are there clauses in these agreements that could be very disadvantageous to you if litigation should arise? We will talk about what should and should not be present in agreements for all of the products and services described above.
- Getting Paid—A Flexible Claims Strategy for Securing Full Payment for Work Performed
Scope changes, schedule impacts, disputes and battles for additional compensation are becoming all to frequent in current construction market. Delay and denial of claims are often an unspoken strategy for some employers and owners to increase the profitability or decrease the costs on a project. Given the trend in Ohio Courts toward strict interpretation of construction contracts, particularly on public projects, contractors must develop flexible approaches to secure full payment for all work performed in varied contracting environments. We will review four basic strategies which will enhance any contractor's ability to turn its claims, whatever their nature and regardless of the underlying contract, into a profit center.
- Ask the Attorney Panel
At the conclusion of the program, we will have 30 minutes for questions on any construction industry topic whether it was mentioned above or not. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the issues mentioned above in more depth or raise other matter that are of concern to the industry. We will be collecting questions throughout the seminar and all questions will be answered during the panel or afterwards by email.
To register, please email or call Pam Fisher at fisher@taftlaw.com or (937) 641-1731.
Please register by Monday, October 7.
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