Associate - Employment and Labor Relations (Cleveland)
At Taft, we work as one team, driven and committed to helping our clients succeed. A full-service law firm with more than 1,000 attorneys and approximately 1,775 on our team, we have the collaborative approach, advanced technological resources, and depth of services that make us a preeminent law firm.
Taft is looking for a team-oriented associate to join our Employment & Labor Relations Practice.
The Cleveland office of Taft is seeking an associate with at least 1-4 years of employment law experience. The ideal candidate will have experience handling employment-related litigation matters, including responses to charges of discrimination filed with the EEOC and/or local agencies, discovery matters, and drafting dispositive motions; providing assistance on a vast array of employment issues, including drafting employee handbooks and employment related documents; and ensuring clients are in compliance with federal, state and local employment laws. NLRB and Ohio SERB experience is preferred. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, law school transcript, and resume with a full description of relevant experience to Cara Newby, Director of Legal Recruiting & Inclusion, at