
Lauren is an attorney in Taft’s Columbus office, focusing her practice on Public Affairs Strategies and Energy and Utilities. Lauren serves as outside counsel to investor-owned utilities, merchant energy companies, regional transmission organizations, and telecommunications entities regarding regulatory issues before state and federal regulatory commissions

Lauren advises private entities, public agencies, and individuals on legal and practical issues relating to energy and utility matters, telecommunications (both wired and wireless), broadband services, and associated business matters.

Prior to joining Taft, Lauren served as in-house regulatory counsel for a Fortune 500 utility company with over 3.7 million customers. She began her legal career as an Administrative Law Judge for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), where she managed and prioritized an active docket of over 90 cases, reviewed case filings to determine the appropriate course of action during pre- and post-litigation, and adjudicated full and abbreviated rate cases and renewable energy applications.

Lauren also served as the chief aide to current PUCO Chairman Jenifer French, where she advised and counseled the chair on utility policies, key legal arguments, rate plans, and decision points on major proceedings pending before the agency.

Lauren currently sits as the president-elect for the Women in Energy Network (Ohio Chapter), a global organization of professionals dedicated to fostering career and leadership development for women working in the energy industries.


  • Capital University Law School (2018)
  • Miami University (2015)

    B.A. – American Studies


  • State - Ohio
  • State - Michigan

Professional Affiliations

  • Columbus Bar Association


  • Ohio State Bar Association


  • Women Lawyers of Franklin County


Community Involvement

  • The ALS Association
  • Women's Energy Network

    President-Elect and Board Member